Friday, June 21, 2019

Bermain Game untuk menambah Uang jajan

        Bermain game online merupa hobby setiap orang banyak dari orang-orang tersebut rela mengeluarkan uang demi bermain game online baik untuk membeli item maupun untuk membeli paket internet. namun berbeda dengan mahasiswa yang satu ini dia bermain game online bukan hanya untuk bermain-main namun juga ia mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menambah uang jajannya.

        QuenRaina adalah id yang sering digunakan oleh Fita Yudi Saputra untuk bermain game online, dan game online tersebut adalah Dragon Nest. Dragon Nest adalah game MMORPG yang di kembangkan oleh Eyedentiti dan di kontrak oleh salah satu developer game onlinn asal Indonesia PT.Kreon atau juga Gemscool, di dalam game tersebut player di tuntut untuk menaikan level dan juga membangun karakter masing- masing agar bisa di gunakan untuk nest maupun PVP, terkadang ada juga player yang mengunakan waktunya untuk mencari gold atau item-item langka untuk di jual. seperti yang dilakukan oleh sodara fita ia mengaku penghasilan dari berjualan item di dalam game online tersebut bisa di bilang lumayan.

      Usahanya tersebut di mulai pada tahun 2017 saat itu ia mengaku bingung apa yg akan di lakukan karena karakter yang di gunakannya sudah bisa di bilang GG untuk standar di game tersebut. lalu salah se orang temannya ingin membeli item yg dimilikinya dengan uang asli, bisa di bilang mata uang game dengan mata uang asli. pada saat itulah dia kepikiran untuk memulai usaha berjualan item game Dragon nest menurutnya pada tahun 2017 harga gold masih terbilang mahal untuk 1k gold saja seharga Rp 10.000 sedangkan untuk rata- rata pemeblian bisa mencapai 10k sampai 50k

    Namun untuk sekarang ia menuturkan harga gold sudah anjlok di karenakan mudahnya mencari gold "kalo dulu saya nyari gold itu modal jualan item -item yg di dapet pas nest baru bisa terkumpul itu pun masih susah buat dapet 10k per minggu, kalo sekarang jangan kan 10k per harhari bisa sampe 50k jadi otomatis harga gold jatuh akibat banyaknya penjual yang menurunkan harga pasaran nya" ucapnya. kalo sekarang selain berjualan gold ia juga menjual item-item langka dengan harga yg lumayan " sekarng saya kadang jualan item-item yang cukup mahal itu pun kalo beruntung bisa dapet 1 item udah sukur""kira-kira berapa harga per 1 item" " harga per 1 item untuk bahan jade legend itu 250 ribu".
      jadi itu dia hasil wawancara kami dengan salah seorang mahasiswa yg memanfaatkan hobbynya bermain game online untuk menambah uang jajannya.



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Argumentative essay Playing Video games good or bad ?

Playing Video games good or bad ?
            Are video games good or bad ? it can be both, Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain.  Playing violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. Althogh this opinion came from the education experts, but not all of video games are bad for you.
            But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart.  Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills and creativity, also it depend on what kind of game that they play and what rate they play the game.
            Not only that, parent also have to control their kids when they play the game by chosing the right game for them and the time use when they play the video games. Parent is the most close to the kids when thay play the video games . parent have to know what good to play and what not good to play.
In my point of view playing video games sometime can give you many benefit but also can give you negative effect too. It depend on what type of game, ages, and parent control. Kids with ages around 7 – 10 really needs parent control when they play video games and to chose the right game for them.
The sad fact is parent only care about their kids happines they does not think the negative effect, video game can give you benefit like involve and enchanting skill adng thinking skills, for example when kids games like “Cut The Rope, they trains their brain to come up with creative ways to solve puzzles and other problems in short bursts.
Playing video games sometimes can give you many benefit but it depend on what game you play and what rate of the game you plays and also parent control really needs when kids play video games not only by them self but also with their friends.

Outline 2

Introduction   : Are Video games Good or Bad ? It can be both.
Thesis Statement : Although  this opinion came from the education experts but, not all video games bad for you.
Body   :
A.    Opposing Argument
Playing violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior.
B. Rebutal Argument
But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. 
C. Point Of View
In my point of view playing video games sometime can give you many benefit but also can give you negative effect too.

Outline 1

Introduction   : The system of government is the government's way of governing everything connected with government. Broadly speaking the system of government can be defined as a system that maintains the stability of society
Thesis Statement : Although gomernment in indomesia already good enough for some people.
Body   :
A. Opposing Argument
Narrowly, the system of government can be interpreted as a means of groups to run the wheels of government in order to maintain the stability of the state in a relatively long time and prevent the reactionary and radical behavior of the community.
B. Rebutal Argument
The implementation of the Indonesian government system is actually the same either before or after the amendment,
C. Point Of View
From the evidence that we has discovered there is still so many thing we needs to improvement from ours government system. Like in the weakness point B president and vice president can hold their office for 5 years and it make no chance for another participan to enter the election, also it depend on society which president they want.


Welcome: Introduction to Argumentative Writing – Indonesian Government Needs improvement or not ?
Description: An argumentative writing or essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. In this WebQuest, you'll learn to develop points or arguments and counter-points on the issue of video games!
Imagine, you are a researcher in a group of three and your task is to investigate, gather and develop ideas or information on either one of these below:
  1. the structure of an argumentative essay
  2. the steps in writing a good argumentative essay and
  3. the techniques or approaches in writing a good argumentative essa
Work in a group of three. Remember, before you embark in the quest to write an argumentative essay, make sure you have read all the articles and watch videos on the steps, format, structure, developing arguments, writing the introduction, writing the first argument and conclusion of an argumentative essay. 
Each of you takes the role as a researcher to explore, investigate and write a report on each topic: the structure of an argumentative essay, the steps in writing a good argumentative essay and the technique or approach to write a good argumentative essay. Then, combine your work on these topics and present your findings to the class. Use large charts or posters to present! 
Next, read the articles given and watch the videos on the issue of video games and why should it be banned for the minors.
Discuss in your group and list down all the pros and cons using the T-chart organizer. Then, each of you decide what stance to take, whether playing video games is bad or the opposite and why violent video games should be banned for the minors or vice-versa.   
Write your argumentative essay in 350 words using a good thesis statement and the minimal five-part structure you have already learnt.
Post and share your work in the classroom blog created by your teacher for assessment and comments.  

Report Presentation(Content and Language Accuracy)
Presents very little information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is grossly inaccurate.
Presents some information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is sometimes inaccurate with some spelling and grammatical errors.
Presents most of the information on the structure, steps and techniques in argumentative essay. Language is in good control with only a few mistakes.
20 %
Argumentative Essay
Shows very limited response to the task; only one argument point given and no counter point at all. Lacks organization of ideas. Contains too many spelling and grammatical errors.